An upcoming newsletter feature that crams various news of related interests, both traditionally and with some interactive twist.

Before discussing the main topic, I should speak again about the future of this blog site. As you can gather from my Blogger’s Archive Fault page, it has been at least a year since I last wrote a post about the latest news that piques my interest. Throughout my Blogger tenure, I focused a lot on technology since it has been a big part of our everyday life, and I started embracing the tech world as I graduated from college. But as time progressed, it dawned on me that I was doing the same thing as other media sites like GSMArena or SoyaCincau, to name just two. It begs me whether I should keep doing it when anyone can access more reputable media sites in the first place. Plus, certain news would have already gone out of date as I finished writing about it.

That led me to create a new feature called “MONTHLY BULLETIN”. Simply put, it’s a mashup of everything that has happened throughout the month that piques my interest. For this feature, I’ll go beyond the popular sites and look through other less obscure news sites. But since I don’t write much of the latest news in the first place, it won’t be the usual style of newsletter subscription where you’ll see lots of internal links to click on. Instead, it’ll be delivered through a simple blog post with pictures or illustrations. To all interactive presentation geeks out there, you won’t be left out since I’ll include an external hyperlink to read the same thing through Microsoft Sway.

“What will be in it?” I hear you ask. Even though it will be a monthly mashup, I won’t mash all my interests in a large sump. Even I realized it’d be too cluttered to read or scroll through and potentially devoids the target audience if I put everything under one roof. As of this writing, two editions of the Monthly Bulletin segment will be made: Tech and Motoring. I certainly believe you can easily decipher what each of them will be all about.

Because I’m only starting with the layout, the first edition of Monthly Bulletin won’t be live until at least a week from the date of this post. In the meantime, follow me on various social media platforms, which can be accessed through Linktree. I’m more active on Instagram, Twitter (Personal), and Threads.


Welcome to the official home of OTAKU PETROLHEADS LIFE. While we mostly focus on the world of cars, Japanese pop culture, and technology, we do occasionally talk about other life aspects such as travel and food. We hope you enjoy our little digital world.